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منتديات ياكويت.

للتسجيل إضغط هنا

أدوات الموضوع
إضافة رد

ام عبدالعزيز

:: عضو فضي ::

اختبار لغة انجليزية-الصف الرابع-الفترة الرابعه

اختبار لغة انجليزية للمرحلة الابتدائية

امتحانات رابعة ابتدائي
لغة انجليزية

Forth Year
Second Term
Final Exam


A) Fill with words from a list: -

Friday – Quran – Maths

1) l go to the mosque to pray and read the --------------------------

2) We don't go to school on ------------------------

Underline the correct word : -

1) We have (Religion – Arabic – Games) everyday.
2) The (dentist – farmer – pilot) flies the plane.


A) Choose the right answer : -

1) We go to school (at – under – on) Saturday.
2) l am reading a book (in – on – about) Kuwait.

Write the question: -

1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?
The driver drives cars.

2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?
I’m in grade four.


A) Match :-

1) How are you? - coffee, please.
2) Tea or coffee? - Good evening.
- Fine, thank you.

What would you say: -

1) I’m ill.
2) I’ll cross the street.

Set book
Answer the following: -

1) Why do you go to school’?
I go to school --------------------------------------------------------------------

2) How old are you?

3) How many days are there in a week?


A) Re-Order to make a story: -

- On Monday he goes to the club to play football.
- Hamad is from Kuwait.
- On Saturday he learns how to draw.
- He is in grade four.


Ali has got one brother and one sister. Salwa is eleven and Hasan is twelve. Ali and Hasan like fishing. They go to the sea every Thursday. Salwa likes watching T.V and
helping her mother in the kitchen.

A) Mark ( or (x): -

1) Ali has got one brother and one sister. ( )
2) Ali and Hasan. go to the sea every Wednesday. ( )

Answer the following questions: -

1) How old is Salwa?
2) Who does Salwa help?

Spelling and Dictation

A) Write the short form: -

do not =......……………........
they are = .................………

Write the word under the picture: -

-------------------------- -------------------------------

Handwriting and Punctuation

A) Copy in cursive handwriting:

1) We have Science on Sunday.

2) I would like to smell this flower.

Punctuate: -

we have computer lesson on Saturday

اتمني التوفيق للجميع...
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Anwar ; 05 - 27 - 2011 الساعة 06:44 AM


:: منسق إداري ::

بارك الله فيك ام عزوز
سبحان الله وبحمده


:: عضو فعال ::


ام عبدالعزيز

:: عضو فضي ::

اشكركم عالمرور


:: عضو جديد ::

بارك الله بكم

عبير الزهور

:: عضو ألماسي ::

مشكوره ام عبد العزيز على الموضوع


:: عضو جديد ::

شكرااااا على الجهود


:: عضو نشيط ::

جزاك الله خيرا


:: عضو قادم ::


جزاكم الله خيرا


زينب مبارك

:: عضو جديد ::

شكرا على الموضوع الرائع

إضافة رد

يشاهدون الموضوع : 2 ( عضو0 زائر 2)

الانتقال السريع